
TEXAS United States

CGS....OK so I want to buy a press from you...what's the warranty on a press that's been "restored" and what's your warranty on a press that has not been restored from you??? I mean why should someone pay an extra 10-20 grand for a press from you when..lets say on gauntlet the most costly thing is not going to cost 10-15 grand to fix unless the press is totally destroyed. If your warranty is the same for both types of presses then really what am I paying for?? "just like new" lol nothing is just like new after 2mil prints or 3mil lol...really why don't you just say " Hey M&R increased their prices for new so we need to do the same for used" lol just my opinion...i mean how much resto was needed for a folder bagger that's 25k flashes that are 3500?
it's not even in the same ballpark man...the only thing I will say is that at least you have enough balls to put your prices online...

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Making a fool out of yourself while trying to call someone else out is kinda counter-productive.

Lone wolf...just trying to understand what the difference between the two are...I am sorry if my questions upset you send me you address then you some tissue for your tears...if you are selling something as "totally restored" then would that not be the same as a car?? where you have totally taken the press don and replaced all air lines all chop cylinders and i guess another big one would be index cylinder....and that's just to start...if you going to charge more and go out and say,,,hey we know we are high,but look what you get for that extra money spent....I want to know that those things are new and from M&R..and if all the "things" have been gone through and you're charging thousands more then why not offer better warranty with it...I guess it's a numbers game then is 10 15 20 grand worth 90 days...because after that either way press is on the buyer..period... so what's the value in buying "totally restored" i mean how can you tell me that the brass bushing is good to go?? who's looking at it?? who are the techs?? certified from who?? if that bushing is toast then you send that press to M&R that's ..not sure why Lone wolf is worried about this...CGS likes to "help" on peoples posts so am hoping he will help me understand...if not no worries

Yes air lines replaced, all cylinders rebuilt or replaced, new or rebuilt valves, motors rebuilt or replaced on AC print head machines, ball screw drives rebuilt or replaced on servo drive machines, bearings, knobs, locks, air switches, fittings, electrical items, plus a lot more mechanical parts. We have had 2 machines a few years ago with bad bushings which were changed prior to shipping.

You'd be surprised to see the amount of money spent on parts for the rebuilds we do and they are not cheap, since we use OEM parts. Machines like this and support after sale have value.


I've bought from CGS. It was a non reconditioned flat bed Sias. Pictures were spot on. I had to throw a little cash in it to make er run perfect. But they gave me a killer price and good info on the press before I bought it. I knew what I was buying and what I was in for. An they worked on the price since they didn't restore condition it. No warranty with it either. I just bought a new press from M&R great machine about ready to grow again because of it, moral of the story is when I do I'll check out CGS site to see if they have what I want. great company to deal with. Just my two cents worth...But I will throw out there I'd like to see a little more than 90 days. eh I'm not asking for 2 years. But a little more than 90 would sweeten the pot.

Well against my better judgement I will touch the poop. If you are looking for a deal, why bother with a company like CGS?? I mean, honestly, they are in business for the same reason you make money. They may, or may not, be a respectable business who truly rebuild these machines but either way you are going to pay for the work done to the machine. You asked what value you are getting and my thought is that you did not have to get dirty cleaning up a mess firstly and secondly did not invest the man hours rebuilding a press. I personally rebuild them myself because, like you, I am suspicious that the things which should have been replaced were not! Buy new if you want a warranty I say, otherwise GO LOOK IT OVER FIRST!! I was a tech for fifteen years before owning my own company, people lie all the time, especially the sales staff. Buyer beware

I purchased a machine from CGS, and chances are I will buy my next one from them. Not all of us printers are techs and know exactly what to look for. There are many great used machines on the market that need some attention and can get right back into service. This is where CGS comes in. They take some DIRTY, FILTHY, LINT ridden machines, polish them up, go over it with a fine tooth comb, replace what needs to be replaced and sell it at a fair reconditioned price. .what's wrong with that? I trust Tony and his crew 110%, no question about it....don't like it? Don't buy it... get back to wrenching on your own stuff... but for me, I'll leave it to the professionals...need certification? Call M&R and hear what they have to say about the fellas at CGS...