M & R Gauntlet, Flash, 2 Compressors

Greenville, SC, United States

We are upgrading to a new press that is all electric and moving locations.
We do not want to move our current press.

Our Gauntlet is currently in use until Mid October.

What we are selling:
---1996 M and R Gauntlet with Flash - 6 Color / 8 Station
---2015 Compressor 80 Gallon just bought for $2,500 in March 2015.
---(Old compressor works and you can have as a backup but needs new lines)

We use the Gauntlet every day.
Runs well with standard hiccups from time to time.
If we were keeping it, I'd probably have some of her lines replaced to make her more efficient.

$8,500 for everything
This is is an incredible price since some brokers want to sell it all for $12,000. But we need it moved in the next month or so because we don't have to keep paying rent where it is currently.

Pictures below are with it running. We were doing a 1000, shirt order, 3 Color Front / 4 Color Back.

Email us at Greenvilleeast@embroidme.com
(864-292-2500) or CELL - 864-354-0050

There are 9 Comments

markalves wrote:
Will give you $6,500 for everything, Can pick and move when ready. (812) 572-5334

Thanks. We do have a slightly higher via email so will keep you posted.

Here's video of her running. This was taken a couple of weeks ago.

She's going a little slow because this was a new kid training on it.

Sorry - can't upload a video. You can email us and we can send it to you.