6 Color 8 Station M&R Auto

Macon United States

Looking for a buyer for our 6/8 M&R Sportsman.

All Air Pneumatic Pallet Drive - Air Print Heads - Microregistration - Digital Keypad - Frame Air Locks - COC - Adjustable Print Stroke - Set of Adult pallets Squeegees, Floodbars included - 11' 9" Setup Diameter

No flash included.

Was refurbished by CGS SALES & SERVICE about 2 years ago. Has a ton of new parts, new board... Works great. it has been a work horse for us but we need to make room for a larger press.

Model can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0ig6vDg5uw

It is set-up and running now in Georgia if you wanted to come take a look.

Asking $12,000.00

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