By kanoblast on
Nov. 01, 2015
have a huge issue and hoping someone can help me out. i purchased a tajima tmfd g1220 and it was working fine when i put it in storage but now i got a new shop and when my electrician hooked up power nothing came on. i opened up the power supply box and a family of mice got in there and chewed up 6 wires and i have no clue where to connect them. anyone has a similar machine that they can take a picture of the wires for me or have access to a wire diagram? would greatly apreciate your help with this issue. thank you
Re: tajima tmfd power supply box
It's the blue wires in the power supply box labeled 24, 25 & 26. These are the wires I'm having trouble work. Blue wire no. 26 is actually disconnected on both ends. I know someone out there can help me
Re: tajima tmfd power supply box
post some pictures for me of the area its in and the wires, I will go to a client and check their panel and get some photos for you so you can cross reference where they need to go,or email them to me
Re: tajima tmfd power supply box
Did you get sorted out yet
Re: tajima tmfd power supply box
no i didn't.. i hope you got the answers i need. :)
Re: tajima tmfd power supply box
I may have the wire harness you need for that machine