Experiences with Ricoma

Does anyone own or have experience with a ricoma? If so, what are the pros/cons, and your opinion?

United States

Love when people post like this. Please explain why stay away and some proof to back your comments. Im looking also at purchasing one of these machines. Any more info would be great.


To be honest with you. Read the boards and people will give you feedback about a machine. i can quote some users on this board who dont like the brand ricoma. i'm not to put the product down but read what other users say about them. And paccodist i own a variety of machines and know alot of people with other embroidery machines. And ill be honest with you. i dont love the melco line infact i had 4 xt's that i sold for well lets say im not going to make accusations again because i dont want someone from melco up my rear like someone from ricoma is. Everyone had an opinion but i think all the experienced people know what machines to stay from.

Ya I know... I for one would love to see ANY post on here or elsewhere of someone with direct (first person) knowledge of a Ricoma and say something bad about it. Personally I have never heard on here about good or bad about Ricoma from ANYONE that has one.

So who knows, they could be great machines...

could be.. if ricoma wants to put a machine in my office and tell me it can run for 3 years with out a service call ill call it a good machine. untill than ill stick with the brands i know are the best.

and there are people on this board slamming ricoma machines.

i didnt slam the machine i simply said stay away from it.

Ask PacCoDist about thier return policy. Ask if you can get your money back. These might be good to know when making a large purchase like this.