By dfenno11 on
Feb. 19, 2016
United States
Extremely clean 2010 MSP 3140 for Sale
Located in WY
Call 888-291-8116
There are 3 Comments
Re: Extremely Clean 2010 MSP 3140 Available
Re: Extremely Clean 2010 MSP 3140 Available
Beware of Don Fenno
Hello my name is Junior I own a screen printing and embroidery company in southern California
I have a business partner name ray also we are reaching out to warm people about a machine broker
That goes by the name “Don Fenno” we made a deal with him a few months ago with a machine that
He was going to get us for 70,000 so we wired him 63,000 to his account well it’s been more than 2 months
He told us that the machine owner did not want to sell his machine anymore so we ask for out money back
Now he is just giving us the run around with lies after lies at this point we are starting a lawsuit against him
And will be posting on all forums about what he has done to us and others we recently talk to another person
That he has done this to.. Don't know if this will help me recover my money but at least warn people of the kind
Of business man that he is a lier a thief.. We are honest and hard working people that are only trying to better our
Company .. I know a lot of people might not agree and thinks he is a honorable and honest man but we
Have plenty of prof contracts and email from him to prove it...
Please don’t be the next person that this happens to
Don't trust don fenno
And for the record it was Steve Vermillion that recomended him to us...
Thanks for taking the time to read this ...
Junior Vice President
Ray President
Re: Extremely Clean 2010 MSP 3140 Available
oh this was and old post its been like 9 months and now he done even answer the phone i would not recommend anybody using this crook trust me he will screw you like he did me hope the info helps and if you have any questions i posted my number so anybody can reach me so they know that i am not just talking trash... also "Don Fenno" i know its been a while and you think we will forget but trust me we will keep warning people about you till you pay up.. till then we will keep posting i dare you to reply... thanks for reading