Happy 1501 HCD 15 needle single head embroidery machine

Chicago, IL, United States

Happy HCD 1501-40 15 needle single head embroidery machine with rolling stand. Purchased in 2007 from Texmac for retail business.

Asking $7,500 or OBO

Excellent condition - runs perfect - only used 3 years - serviced regularly

Includes the following:
* 3 - 12cm tubular hoops
* 4 - 15cm tubular hoops
* 3 - 18cm tubular hoops
* 2 - 320x320 square hoops
* 2 - large wooden hoops
* 2 - small tubular hoops
* 1 - EMS hoop tech clamp
* 100+ spools of thread
* 1 box bobbins
* needles, oil, tool kit and all manuals
* flash drive

Please contact with any questions

~ Rick at 630 212-5607 or rtb.bax@aol.com