BMP6 Embroidery Machine for sale

United States

I have a BMP6 embroidery machine for sale. I purchased the machine new January 2007. It is in perfect running order and has approximately 320 hours on it. I have a small in home embroidery business and I work full time outside the home as well, plus I have 4 children. I have another machine BMP6 as well so I have had to make a decision, focus more on my in home business or my job outside the home. So for now I am going to just keep the one machine and keep the embroidery business small.
Now on to the machine:

It is in perfect running order and has approximately 320 hours on it.
Included in the sale:
BMP6 machine
Stand created for the machine
Designers Gallery Software brand new in the box (never used since I had the other machine I never opened the box on this one)
The original instruction and reference guide.
The Baby Lock Embroidery professional workbook.
Original "tool box" that includes necessary screwdrivers and small accessories to thread machine and change needles.
USB cord
1 each hoop sizes:
11.8X 7.9 in
7.1X5.1 in
3.9X3.9 in
and 2.4X1.6 in
1 cap driver and 2 cap hoops

I am located in Georgia and if you are not too far away I would consider meeting you to deliver the machine. If not then the buyer will be responsible for the shipping fees. I am asking $6000.00 for this machine.
My email address is and my phone # is 678-588-2567
Thank you for veiwing and I will answer all questions as I receive them...Tammy

There are 3 Comments

This Machine is still for sale, I have dropped the price to $5000.00 and the buyer still pays for the shipping. Pictures are available and I will email them to anyone interested. Thank you for looking and have a great day...