(2) Prodigi 2-Head 12-Color Machines + Accessories!

Wall, NJ, United States

We have a set of (2) Prodigi embroidery machines available for sale! These machines are both 2008 (model C88-7E<11;S;K) 2-head, 12-color machines. At 8 years old, these only have 4 years of light use on them, making them LIKE NEW machines, one with 203k stitches on it, and the other with 688k stitches. Both are reliable and produce a great product. We wouldn't be getting rid of them if we weren't restructuring our shop. Machines have been great to us.

We are selling them along with a HOOPMASTER system, full set of all different size hoops and clamps for garments as well as hats if you purchase the set of two.

PRICE = $6,500 each machine

Jonathan Clay or Tim Dubrow -- (732) 256-9610 -- jonathan@pwrmonkey.com

Any questions don't hesitate to ask!

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