By thorntonec@char...
Oct. 03, 2006
United States
Toyota Expert 820-ESP- Single Head, Approx 10 years old, Pantogram Pad,
Computer, Software and Hoops, Pictures Available, Located in Calif. $3000.00
Tajima TMFX-C904- 4 Head, 9 Needle, Approx. 10 years old, Serial # #02370
1-2C, Cap Attachments and Several Sized Hoops, Pictures Available, Located
in Calif.
Pkg Deal - Both machines for $15,000.00
Thornton Equipment Co.
Write us for more info.
Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton
There is 1 Comment
Re: Pkg Deal- Toyota Single Head and Tajima 4 Head
Hello,David,My name is Eduardo,I spoke to you today,tell me if you have any machine available like the tajima 4 heads or any other.