Machinery Brokers

I post my real name on all of "Machine For Sale" threads that I start. Over the years I am sure that I have dealt with every person that call themselves a "USED EQUIPMENT BROKER or DEALER". In the 40 years I have been in this business, several of these folks have changed their company names (some many times in the same year) also a few have changed their given names.

Here's the rub: If you are indeed honest and trustworthy, why aren't you willing to post your name and aliases on your sale postings. I actually know a fellow that has changed his name and swears he never went by the old name. I am certain it is the same guy (same voice, phone number and address), he burnt a lot of folks under his old name and likely doesn't want to be found, so he has a new name... just like that no problem.

If we are hiding our names what else are we hiding? Do your research, ask vendors and competitors. Check address and and the Internet do your Due Diligence, check these rascals out. I do know a few dealers that are honest and go by the names their parents gave them.

Seritech Inc.

Robert Young's picture

I brought this up years ago on this very forum... the main response was people were afraid of "hackers" I did not believe that then, nor do I think it applies today. I always have used my real name... sure some may not like what I say, or how I say it... but at least they know for sure who it is.

Besides it keeps me toned down a bit so I don't fall into a "cyberbully" type of mode. If I go over the top then I can face the consequences. win win in my book.

Modern Embroidery Designer