Lg Custom vacuum table and drying cabinet

Boston Area United States

Awesome custom made, Large, screen exposure table with drying rack, and aluminum manual and auto frames
The large vacuum unit ( 90" x 30 ) will expose up to 4 manual screen , 2 auto or extra long screens at once.
The base of this unit is also a drying cabinet and will hold 18 screens.
This is a very heavy unit and separates in 2
This unit was custom designed. It makes up the space of an 8 ft folding table. Perfect for any shop this busy time of year. $1500. bo
You can email me with questions at actstop@aol.com

CHEAP...Manual aluminum retensionable frames , no mesh. $10.00 each if you buy all 30

CHEAP...Aluminum 23" x31" Auto Frames ( No Mesh ). 5.00 each if you.buy all 50

Exposure unit and screens are located in the Boston area.