By pendleton18 on
Aug. 15, 2016
San Diego,
United States
TUF Javelin 6/8 in working condition. Second head is not functional as is, replacing the stroke cylinder on that head should fix, but I always just used it as a flash, so never bothered. Does not come with a flash, I do have a couple available though if you need one. 8 standard platens, 4 youth with brackets, 4 youth without brackets, various v-squeegies.
Unit runs on about 20 CFM and a few amps. Air compressor is available as well.
Unit is right next to our roll up, so a flatbed hydraulic trailer and a pallet jack gets this think outta here nice and easy.
$8k takes it all WITH the compressor.
There are 2 Comments
Re: TUF Javelin 6/8 Automatic Press
is your printer still for sale, let me know if your taking best offers.
Re: TUF Javelin 6/8 Automatic Press
Still available. Needs to move so $6500 takes it.