Looking for single Head Upstate NY

United States

I am looking to buy a used single head embroidery machine and a 2 - 4 head in the upstate NY area that is in great condition. Would be very interested in a Tajima, SWF etc. Willing to pick up anywhere within a 6 hour drive of Syracuse NY.

I have my own business that I run with a two head but need a single head for smaller orders and would like another larger machine too.


There are 2 Comments

Have a 2005/2006 Happy Voyager 1-head, 12 needle machine for sale. Has < 5 hrs use, still have warranty card. Includes both cap attachments (regular and wide-angle - caps are real money makers), cap driver, hoops, HappyLink Software and cables to connect to PC, manuals.

Located in Columbus, OH.

