Epson T3270 Initial ink, Refillable Carts, Accuink, Waste Tank, resetter, chips, etc.

Missoula, MT, United States

Epson T3270 supplies for sale:

Full set of oem initial ink.

700ml refillable carts with chips and full set of spare chips

Partial 700ml Accuink cartridge for PK slot

Brand new 700ml Accunk cartridge for PK slot

Waste tank with chip resetter and spare chip.

(2)14" rolls of Fixxons film, partial 24" and 17" rolls

$400 takes it all, shipping is on buyer.


There are 18 Comments

The link shows those are for the T3000.

They will fit the T3270, but the chips aren't compatible. Were you using these in a t3270 and they worked?

I just purchased a second T3270, and the chips on the cartridges from my T7000 don't work with it, but the ones from the T3270 DO work with the T7000. It's very strange.

If you were using them though, and can confirm they work, I'll take them.