Question About Digitizing for Different Machine Brands

I am wondering if one needs to set densities heavier or lighter when digitizing for different machine brands that will be running the embroidery file? I was speaking to a gal who does a great deal of digitizing and she mentioned that she lightens up the densities when her designs will be run on Tajima machines. She and I use the same digitizing program....Amaya's Design Shop.
Has anyone else using a different program noticed anything like this? I should think if that is true it would create havoc for those who provide digitizing services. Just seeking some other opinions. Thanks

I agree with Robert. Each machines personality will make the most difference. I add more pull comp for our Tajima 6 head than I do for the Barudan single head if I need fonts and outlines to be the same thickness between the machines. The tajima is old and stiff like me so it doesn't move as well. Sometimes there is a difference between the heads on the Tajima. So thread tension can alter the design also. Don't even start talking about temperature, humidity, age of thread, sewing on 5 different fabrics on a 6 piece order, position of Mars to the moon. I have yet to figure out how we can run all morning on the same order with no problems, go to lunch, come back to the same order and are plagued with thread breaks and problems.
I have to think that commercial digitizers must be real patient, thick skinned, or alcoholics to put up with all the whining from end users blaming them for a bad sew out when in reality it's operator error and machine setup.

Robert Young's picture

I don't think the brand is the issue.. more machine maintenance and operator preferences. (some run tensions VERY tight) Some machines have more "slop" in them... meaning letters will sew thicker and "e's" may close up... other machines are very "tight" and letters and satin borders will sew thinner than intended. So we learn what our clients' machines tend to do... but it is not brand specific.

Modern Embroidery Designer