By sydney.fedesna on
Jan. 05, 2017
Hello all -
Can someone help me identify this embroidery font? The customer is telling me their previous embroiderer said it is Georgia, but my Georgia and all the ones I have seen are a serif font that looks like TNR...
Thank you!
Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs
Re: Can someone help me identify this font?
I apparently have no idea how to attach photos, so here is a link to the pictures:
Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs
Re: Can someone help me identify this font?
I usually use when I am stumped identifying a font. The file can't be too large and your art should be in PNG, GIF, or JPEG format. If the automated identifier cannot identify the font, you can submit it further to an "expert" and an actual person, who contributes their knowledge to the site, looks at your submission and identifies your font. Yay! Saves me lots of time!
Re: Can someone help me identify this font?
It is Present Roman