By CaeSly on
Jan. 06, 2017
Hi All. I just purchased a used Prodigi 2-head PM-1202 CXS machine. The heads were removed for transit. I reached around and unplugged all the wire harnesses connecting to the tension head cards without realizing there are more than one slots for the harnesses to go back in... I desperately need someone with this machine to pop the backs off their tension heads and take a pic of the where the wire harness plug into. See below pic of machine, the card, and the wires I'm referring. The blue harness seems obvious, only one spot it can go. The 2 on the left have more than one possible slots and not sure which they came out of.
Thank you!
Re: someone with a Prodigi 2-head PM-1202, I need your help
*Edit* above pic of the machine for reference only (I hadn't put mine together yet). Mine has the 10" touchscreen. Someone had asked how the backs pop off. See below. If anyone can help take a pic of how theirs is wired - much appreciated.
Re: someone with a Prodigi 2-head PM-1202, I need your help
pics attached...
Re: someone with a Prodigi 2-head PM-1202, I need your help
Did you resolve your issue yet?
Re: someone with a Prodigi 2-head PM-1202, I need your help
Yes I got it figured out. Thx