Starting a business...

Hi there,
I am a great lover of embroidery works and I am happy that I learned it. I don't know whether I can call myself a pro in embroidery though my husband and friends praise me about my work. They are asking me to start a business on it. I only know the basics of embroidery and crochet (hand and needle). I told my husband that I am not confident about starting the business but he says he will support me. I don't have any idea how successful I would be. Thinking of giving a try. Thankfully I got some ideas online ( I'm planning of a brand name, something like "dazzlers" and planning to create facebook and twitter accounts for the brand. I found it to be a good strategy in an article I read. Keep them updated with new designs. Then we need to do small ad campaigns, though I 'm new to it. We are looking for some low-cost advertising ideas. Can anyone help me with this?

United States
Robert Young's picture

Congrats on taking your passion to the next level! Everyone started somewhere so go for it!

Niche marketing has worked for many of my clients and just from what little you wrote I see a possibility of mixing machine embroidery with hand embroidered embellishments.

Advice: Take it slow, don't bite off more than you can chew... for example ONE social media platform at a time... get comfortable with that one THEN branch out to another as you want. One at a Time

Pick a niche... do not try to be all things or take every order that comes your way. Do only what you like to do! The passion will turn into dollars soon enough.. where I firmly believe that if you ONLY do things for the monetary potential you will not give your best and it will show in your work... and you will burn out!

When and if you decide to buy an embroidery machine... STOP.... go to a local tradeshow. a table top show... or if available where you are an ISS show. Walk the floor... beware though... they are worse than used car salesmen! DO NOT BUY. (any salesmen have an issue with this, start a thread as I am perfectly fine expounding on this hypothesis) Do not over buy is my thought here.

Digitizing? Well I would advise against it to start.. you are SO busy doing marketing, design layout, sewing, embellishing, packing, shipping, billing and finally marketing again... ha. Find a local digitizer if you have one, go into their office if they have one. Take it slow... one day, yes, if you want. But not to start is too much NO MATTER WHAT THE SALES REPS WILL TELL YOU! oh you have a spare bedroom? why not buy this embroidery machine that COMES with digitizing software!!?!!! YOU will instantly be a success.



It will end up right next to that fancy BOWFLEX you bought in 1999.. collecting dust. ha.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

embroidery1 wrote:
Contact me if you are looking for branding help...
Thank you

why when I click on your second link (bottom one) does my computer put up a giant WHOA... do not go there, virus ahead!!!!!

please check that out, not sure if it is real but Chrome has an issue. hope you can fix that

Modern Embroidery Designer

"Ive been looking at doing a wild posting advertising campaign and have decided to go ahead and use this team for Guerilla Marketing."

And how does this relate to embroidery?????