Manual Press Rototex 6/4 - $1500

Mount Vernon 43050, OH, United States

$1,000. No I won't ship it. Located in Mid-Ohio, hour north of Columbus.

everything functions as it should (micros, etc)

The platens are true/flat BUT 3 of the 4 platens have 1 loose (of 4) bolt on the bottom.
Only one platen has rubber (there is no point in putting the rubber on until you address the bolts).

Rototexes are built like tanks. (we run a 6/6 daily)
this one was bought as a second press but we got an auto soon after and it's just been sitting gettin' dusty.

Price is OBO. Make an offer.

There are 9 Comments

What are the available sizes and styles of platens for this press? I currently own the 6/4 Rototex and I'm looking to purchase new platens for it. I can do $100 per platen and pay the difference for the shipping costs as well.