By sroghen on
Aug. 19, 2017
Bought a DST design. Also asked the seller for EMB file, but he wants more money.
i understand all changes to design better done in EMB file in Wilcom before saving to DST format.
Can I change the DST file to EMB with Wilcom E2? Make my changes and then save back to DST format.
Any downsides of doing this way? or better buy the original EMB from seller?
Re: EMB and DST designs
No. A dst is comparable to a jpeg, while emb is a vector file. While its possible to reverse it and manipulate the results are low quality and sometimes strait up don't work.
Some digitizers like to hold the emb file if they charge very little for digitizing. (IE you have to come back to them for edits they can charge you) Once you have an emb file you can pretty much have the hard work done so you can edit it yourself if you have the software... if you are paying the digitizer/have a good digitizer they will hand over files sometimes but they usually cost more.
Re: EMB and DST designs
i think wilcom does great bringing in dst files. especially compared to my old software. my old software would basically bring in a dst file as nothing but running stitches that couldn't be easily edited. i couldn't select satin stitches and have satin parameters, etc. there may be a few issues with importing a dst in wilcom, like maybe extra nodes, or sometimes it will split a solid fill stitch as 2 or more stitch groups...and the underlay comes in as running stitches, not as underlay that can be removed with the underlay tab, but i think those are pretty easy fixes.
i've not heard of digitizers holding the emb files hostage. i guess i do it the other way. i always hand over the emb file if they want it, and i don't charge for minor edits. whether they're my fault, or even if the customer changes minor things after its finished. my philosophy is: if i can make the changes faster than i can create an invoice, then it doesn't make sense to charge for it. i just consider it part of great customer service. i'm not cheap tho...;);)
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: EMB and DST designs
wow, that's a rip off. it shouldn't be more money for the emb file. its easier to send the emb file than it is to send the dst. its kind of strange that they think they're holding your design hostage? i can't think of a reason for them to NOT give it to you.
i'm not sure about e2...i use e3, but it does an excellent job of reading in dst files. you should be able to make edits from it just fine. i used a different software for my first 20 years of digitizing, and when anybody wants dates changed, etc from my old files, i write them out to dst, then read them into wilcom and make the changes. the only issues i've seen is in some wide satin stitches.
if you have trouble in e2, or need changes to the file, i'd be happy to take a look at it for charge.
digitizing...since 1996.
Re: EMB and DST designs
It does a great job but nothing compares to the original emb. The main issue i run into is complex smaller text
Re: EMB and DST designs
Sounds like I better pay to get original EMB.