I tried to call ATT to give a compliment. One of their employees provided exceptional service and I wanted to have it noted for her.
ATT only takes COMPLAINTS..... plenty of ways... but you cannot call and register a COMPLIMENT!! You can mail a letter in but multiple people I called on multiple times told me it will not get anywhere close to the individual's boss.
so at review time the manager ONLY has complaints in the file to go off of for each employee? manage by negativity only?
I get they are trying to resolve complaints... train employees to avoid future issues... implement policies to become a better provider. I get that... but aren't they beating down the objective by NOT taking care of the good employees...how do they know who those are? OH... you have fewer complaints so you must be better! (or lazy.... or behind the scenes?)
in our own companies I hope we do a better job of noticing the employees that do a great job... not just point out the issues?
I will work on that personally. even on YELP. ha. ONLY positive unless it really requires other input... but let's face it, it rarely is that big a deal in the grand scheme. breathe. sleep on it. stop being a B.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Do you manage by negativity only?
Follow up question
no answers needed.
just ... how often do all of us jump up to complain.... . vs.... how often do we compliment?
I am guilty.
Modern Embroidery Designer