I recently bought a new 8 head SWF machine, it's been 2 weeks.
It has a birdnest problem for 2 weeks so far, I can't even make my orders at one straight time. It happens every running and every different heads.
It looked the problem is gone when the tech replaced the control panel, but it happens again after he is gone.
He is trying to help me out on the phone, but still not solved.
Attached pictures are showing that a thread is hooking the picker, so the picker is not going back to original position, that makes the birdnesting.
Tried to rubbed the picker's surface with a sand paper.
Tried to make sure the tension of bobbins and threads.
Tried to revise the picker off time setting.
Anybody has a solution for this?
the main problem is that a thread is hooking the picker occasionaly.
I know they are good people and trying to help me, but I am losing my time for my orders until they come to fix it.
Please help.
Re: Keep birdnesting with my new machine
Answer me this, has there been a needle break.
There can be many things, but the main ones are tension are too tight, whether it's the top tension or bobbin tension.
Second is the Hook to far, because I had a Barudan and was getting so many needle break, that i moved the hook a slightly back, and start getting bird nest.
It can also be how the deign was made.
Re: Keep birdnesting with my new machine
I had 2 time needle breaks, so I loosen the bobbins.
What I did today is moving up the pickers as much as I can without touching around, It is working so far so good now, but I will check more.