Barudan - 6 Head/9 Needle

nation03's picture
Garfield, NJ, United States

6 Head Barudan embroidery machine for sale. Located on second floor of warehouse.

Price is $7500 OBO. Buyer is responsible for pickup.

Message me or call 201-468-2261 or 973-340-8282

-Jake Damis

There are 43 Comments

nation03 wrote:
Still for sale. Call number listed and ask for Frank.

What is the model# and largest hoop size it will take? Does all heads run? How many cap drivers do you have?

nation03's picture

hoymejt wrote:
What is the model# and largest hoop size it will take? Does all heads run? How many cap drivers do you have?

Not sure. All questions to ask the owner. His number is in the first post. Still available.

-Jake Damis

nation03's picture

Buyer backed out. Still for sale. Would like it out before snow starts coming. Please call Frank at 973-340-8282. We have a crane guy ready to go.

-Jake Damis