Kornit Machines 931, Avalanche

Greensburg, PA, United States

We have 10 Kornit Machines we're interested in selling. All machines currently in production being used 5 days per week.

2ea Avalanche 951 2011 models $120,000 ea

8 ea Kornit 931 Inca dual pallet machines $14500 ea

Will sell print heads separately. We're planning on upgrading to new equipment, so the old INCA need to go, save them from a scrap yard!

Feel free to ask for additional pictures, video, come check them out, make offers etc


contact at 740.707.six.4.7.7 or zach.coss@gmail.com

There are 3 Comments


I am selling 4 Kornit 931 Inca machines. Known as Storm DS also.
They have been decommissioned for about a year. Still in working condition. All maintained by myself for the past 5 years. We don't space for them so we are trying to sell them quick or they will likely head to the grave yard. What was taken off will be put back on. Call or text me if you are interested.
702-353-3266 - Alex
