By on
Mar. 13, 2018
Santa Clara
United States
We have a virtually brand new Roland UV Flatbed. It has super low hours and prints on it.
Prints CMYK + White + Clear
Sincerely the best print I've ever seen off a flatbed, great for special effects and day to day printing.
Our business has changed over the last year and we suddenly don't need much flatbed capacity.
You can print textures, and spot glosses on this machine.
Prints any material up to 6 inches thick, and prints curved and textured items.
This unit will also come with the BOFA air purification unit, Versa works, and all the inks I have on the shelf at the time of sale.
Contact with any questions,
Jason A
There are 3 Comments
Re: Roland VersaUV LEG-640 Flatbed Virtually Brand NEW 45k OBO
Re: Roland VersaUV LEG-640 Flatbed Virtually Brand NEW 53k OBO
Hello do u still have it . If yess give me ur contact please
Re: Roland VersaUV LEG-640 Flatbed Virtually Brand NEW 53k OBO
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Insta: @araujos.3d