American AM-180 Press

Eudora, KS, United States

Re-Built/Re-Painted to "Like-New" American AM-180 for "Gear Driven" or "Friction Driven" imprinting of 3-D & flat substrates: with hood, new heavy duty foot pedal with heavy duty safety cover, new Thompson linear bearings and new Thompson hardened shafts, new bearing wear guides for the cam and the cam vertical stabilizer bearing, new cam, new main drive motor with run/stop/jog/switches with new push/pull emergency-stop button, new main drive 3/4 HP 120 V/90 V DC motor, re-built 36-1 motor reducer, new flood bar assembly, re-furbished micro-adjustable squeegee head, new screen arms, new 27" long table arm , new Universal tapered roller-ware, nose-cone & air-cylinder assembly for gear driven substrates: new high-intake pressure air regulator with gauge, new low pressure air-inflation pressure regulator with gauge (for bottle inflation), new Schrader air-valve, reducer hub with adjustable cams for nose-cone timing cam plates, new air filter/automatic dump water strainer, new nose-cone/air cylinder with air inflation with new U-bracket & T-bolt,Tooling Assembly with new U-bracket with T-bolt, new 14 mm winged bearing holder, new 14 mm front ARD hardened shaft, new 5 1/2" X 15 mm rear shaft extension with locking collar and threaded gear hub, new 15 mm winged bearing holder, new horizontal aluminum support plate, new adjustable height gear rack. The press is also equipped with heavy duty caster wheels Pic #1.

Price $12,000
New Tilting U-Bracket with T-bolt, new 15 mm winged bearing holder,
new 15 mm X 12" mandrel shaft with locking collar. $800

OPTION #2-Manual Laser-Pointer System: with new
XYR axis assembly and new laser pointer: $350

TOOLING OPTION #4-prices vary according to substrate.
We custom machine in my in-house machine shop the nose-cone
adapter assembly and the mandrels or base cups for each substrate.

Crating (completely enclosed with 2X4's & plywood using decking
screws for easy dis-assembly & bolted to a reinforced pallet with
4" X 4" runners). $ 350
Total Press Price $12,350