Newer Workhorse Powerhouse Quartz 4013 Conveyor Dryer

Roseville United States

For sale:
Workhorse Quartz Powerhouse 4013 Dryer
*Purchased new and received from Workhorse in 2014
We are downsizing and the dryer does not fit in our new garage otherwise we would keep.
Dryer Currently in production daily, works flawless, and well maintained.

NOW $4200 OBO

Produc on: 600-800 Pieces per Hour
Belt Width: 40" (102cm)
Dimensions (L x W x H): 156" (397cm) x 50" (127cm) x 32" (81cm) In Feed/Out Feed Dimensions: 36" (91cm)
Op onal 3' (.9m) In feed/Out feed Extension
Oven Dimensions: 84" (213cm)
Electric: 220-240V, 3-phase, 50-60Hz, 18,000 Wa s, 56amps (also available in 1-phase)

** Older units like this sell between $2500-$5000 though you will need to replace parts. Ours is newer and you will not have to for awhile.

**Willing to Trade our dryer Plus Cash for a Powerhouse Series II Dryer as its smaller and takes less amps as I need something for my home garage to replace this one**


There are 5 Comments

It currently is 3 Phase, though I spoke with Workhorse the other day and they said it takes 5 Minutes to convert to single Phase. The dryer is located in Northern California. Roseville to be more specific 95678. Im looking to move it fast as we are renovating the front of our studio and need to make room. Taking reasonable offers at this point.