Embroidering Clip On Sun Visor

I recently received a request to embroider clip on sun visors. I am fairly new to embroidery. I have a toyota 850 machine. Will I need a special clamping system to do this? I have a cap frame but the brim on the hat is only 1/2" and these style hats tend to have metal as their support so I don't think I will be able to use the frame. Is it possible to embroider the bill of the hat? Any help will be appreciated.

I have embroidered visors a good bit. I use a cap frame and make sure the logo is around 20mm smaller than the distance of seam to seam vertically. That gives both the presser foot and the metal of the frame clearance. I was using a tajima machine with their frames however. No you cannot embroider on bills, if you ever see this done it was embroidered before the manufacture of the cap itself.