M & R Complete Shop + Tajimas

Texas United States

M & R Complete Shop + Tajimas

Very well Maintained

Looking to sell the majority of the shop to one customer
(might separate just the Embroidery)

Please reply through my email or call Contact Dave

Equipment List:

M&R Gauntlet RS 10 Station, 8 Color
M&R Optic No Shirt Detector with Stand
M&R Automatic Omni Uni 18” x 22” Flash Cure
M&R 6’ Radicure Electric Drye 36” belt (220 volt)
Industrial Air Compressor 10HP 230V
Industrial Refrigerated Dryer
Magnetic Starter
Nuarc Metal Halide Screen Exposure 3140
M&R 8” x 16” Solid Aluminum Pallets (8)
M&R 12” x 16” Solid Aluminum Pallets (10)
M&R Tri-loc System 23” x 31”
M&R Endcaps and Ink Traps (8 pair)
M&R 4” x 23” Single Sleeve Pallets (10)
Washout Sink

[B]M&R Chameleon 4 station, 8 color Manual Press
Side Clamps w/ Air Locks (8)
M&R Serrano Flash Dryer 18” x 18”
M&R Foot Pedal for Serrano Flash

Jennings 4 color Bench Cap Print
Zim Pulsar Ink Removing Sprayer w/ adjustable nozzle
Zim Pulsar Cone Vacuum
Tetkomat Tension Meter

6 HEAD TAJIMA - 2005 - with many accessories

1 HEAD TAJIMA - 1999 - with many accessories

Contact Dave

Screenprinting Products Inc.
Blog Site: http://http://screenprintingproducts.blogspot.com/