M & R Complete Shop + 6 head Tajima & 1 - 1 Head
Very well Maintained[/B]
Looking to sell the majority of the shop to one customer
(might separate just the Embroidery)
call for all the details & pictures
Please reply through my email or call Contact Dave
Equipment List:
M&R Gauntlet RS 10 Station, 8 Color
M&R Optic No Shirt Detector with Stand
M&R Automatic Omni Uni 18” x 22” Flash Cure
M&R 6’ Radicure Electric Drye 36” belt (220 volt)
Industrial Air Compressor 10HP 230V
Industrial Refrigerated Dryer
Magnetic Starter
Nuarc Metal Halide Screen Exposure 3140
M&R 8” x 16” Solid Aluminum Pallets (8)
M&R 12” x 16” Solid Aluminum Pallets (10)
M&R Tri-loc System 23” x 31”
M&R Endcaps and Ink Traps (8 pair)
M&R 4” x 23” Single Sleeve Pallets (10)
Washout Sink
M&R Chameleon 4 station, 8 color Manual Press
Side Clamps w/ Air Locks (8)
M&R Serrano Flash Dryer 18” x 18”
M&R Foot Pedal for Serrano Flash
Jennings 4 color Bench Cap Print
Zim Pulsar Ink Removing Sprayer w/ adjustable nozzle
Zim Pulsar Cone Vacuum
Tetkomat Tension Meter
6 HEAD TAJIMA - 2005 - with many accessories
1 HEAD TAJIMA - 1999 - with many accessories
Contact Dave
Screenprinting Products Inc.
Blog Site: http://http://screenprintingproducts.blogspot.com/
There is 1 Comment
Re: M & R Complete Shop + Tajima
is this still around?