Error - N°6 - Inbro RSC 1201 - HELP !


Excuse me for my English,
I allow myself to write a message because I bought a INBRO RSC 1201, but impossible to make it work ..

An error message "# 06 - head lock". I tried to contact a repairer who did not find a solution .. The menu is completely blocked when the message is displayed.

I am enclosing below some photos. Do you have a solution to this error?

Thank you so much !


Comment avez-vous résolu votre problème?

NeSo wrote:

Excuse me for my English,
I allow myself to write a message because I bought a INBRO RSC 1201, but impossible to make it work ..

An error message "# 06 - head lock". I tried to contact a repairer who did not find a solution .. The menu is completely blocked when the message is displayed.

I am enclosing below some photos. Do you have a solution to this error?

Thank you so much !
