By kgadway on
May. 16, 2008
United States
Barudan Single Head Embroidery Sewing Machine is perfect for the do-it yourself type or a person just starting out.
Its how we started out!
We have not used this machine for awhile as our larger machines kept us going nicely.
Even though we rarely used it, we did not want to part with this machine since it was so reliable and easy for small jobs.
But due to the recent tightening of financials at Valmarq Embroidery, we are forced to list it.
asking price: $9, 995
Please call Mary Ellen Valenzuela if you are interested or have any questions
or email at
Phoenix, AZ
There is 1 Comment
Re: Barudan Single Head Embroidery machine for sale
What year is it and will you ship?