Babylock EMP6 with LOTS OF EXTRAS

United States

I am selling my Babylock EMP6 and supplies. I recently got out of the business to spend more time with my family and work for my brother in law. I will check the stitch count on the machine, but I have had it for a few years. I will also include the Origins Software. I have two sets of hoops, Hoopmate (adult, youth, and sleeve/pants), the EMS hooptech clamping system, 10 boxes of bobbins (144 in each box), two BIG rolls of cutaway stabilizer, 1 BIG roll of tearaway stabilizer, yards and yards of water solvent stabilizer, and over 300 spools of thread. all but 20 or so are 5000m spools. I am selling this embroidery package for $8000. Contact me by email with any pictures, questions, or offers: I live in Tulsa, OK and can meet you at any time for pickup. I prefer cash, but I can accept credit cards through my PayPal account. I will include over $5000 worth of artwork and designs. In the coming days, I will get a link on here to view pics of the machine, threads, stabilizer, etc. I currently have approx 800 t-shirts, 185 ball caps, 80 fleece, 30 denim shirts/outerwear, and 125 totes/golf towels. These are up for grabs too, but are not included in the $8000 price for the embroidery package. If you are local (Tulsa, OK area). I accumulated hundreds of clients. Ask me about the WHOLE PACKAGE and start making money tomorrow.

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Im looking for the Origins Software....more importantly, the 2 yr old grandson used my dongle as a stepping stone trying to see what his sister was doing at the computer. Needless to say, I can't transfer my ASD files to PES. Can you help? I live in Sapulpa. Thanks, Glenna