By wildwood on
Jun. 23, 2008
United States
We would like to bring screen printing in house and are interested in a complete package. We are located in the Midwest and can pick up equipment.
There are 5 Comments
Re: Wanted: Complete Screen Print Set Up
We are having an auction this week, thursday, June 26th, in Columbus, OH, at a complete screen print shop. The name of the company is Absolute Screen Printing, 977 Burrell Ave, Columbus, OH. Preview is Wednesday, 10-4 pm. Auction starts Thursday 11 am. For more information log onto our website at
Re: Wanted: Complete Screen Print Set Up
email me at
i am in ks! can work out delivery details if needed
Re: Wanted: Complete Screen Print Set Up
I have thing one needs to be a complete shop and be able to handle big orders and small ones. Contact me Tom 507-452-5100
Re: Wanted: Complete Screen Print Set Up
Hi! I am in Central Indiana. I am wanting to sell all equipment and supplies needed for screen printing and embroidery business. Includes all inks, paper, thread, clothes, everything. If you haven't found what you are looking for and are interested please email me back and I can give you a complete list of all equipment.
Re: Wanted: Complete Screen Print Set Up
We have a complete screen printing facility. One 8 color automatic, one 6 color manual press,
one 8 color manual press and many many many other items. too many to list. Been in business 25 years. We have everything you will need. If you are interested we can talk more.
We are located in Orange County, California. (877)436-7311