Wanted - Great Home for Great Equipment!

United States

Mid-eastern Ohio based Screen Printing operation has the following equipment for sale:

Anatol - Trident 10 Station, 8 Color Automatic with two flash units - $16,500.00
Six years old, properly maintained
Comes with a set of Roller Screen Frames

Anatol Mariah I 38" Gas Dryer - $16,500.00
Six years old, properly maintained
Belt in very good shape

Speed Aire 15 HP, 120 Gal Tank - Air Compressor - $3,000.00

As a package - $30,000.00 (A $6,000 Savings over an already Great Price!!)

Information available for disassembly, transportation. and reassembly

Photos available upon request

email - headon@verizon.net
phone - Harry Eadon 330-204-5210