Happy Floppy Format Not Jiving with Windows 10

I'm trying to get an old HCG to work with files created on windows 10 with Embird software. My Issue is that when I format the Floppy on the Happy machine it has issues when I plug it into the Windows 10 computer.
I can load files onto a non formatted floppy before "initializing" on the Happy HCG just fine. As soon as I "initialize" it can no long be read by the windows 10 computer and basically freezes the entire system when I plug it into A:

Any help would be huge. I'm subscribed to the thread.

I also tried to buy the GOTEK usb emulator (see below)

I swapped it and it booted fine and I loaded several usb thumb drives and formatted partitions and put files onto them but the happy HCG 1206 would give me a "Bad Disk" error everytime I tried to load a file. Anyone have an experience with these?

United States

Thanks for all of the suggestions!

I gave up and just bought the richpeace usb emulator that texmac and sewmanyparts sell for $299. I’m happy to report that it was literally plug and play and my machine is loading .dst files like a champ.

I tried every different jumper setting on the gotek models and all sorts of internet suggestions and bought about 30 different usb sticks of various sizes and had no luck. I even put the old floppy drive back in and couldn’t get that thing to work because either my floppy writer is not an internal drive via windows 10 or it has just gone bad. Either way I’m glad to be rid of floppy disks!

latest update:

no luck.

I tried 2 seperate gotek emulators with the jumpers set at JA & S0

One is the Gotek SFRM72-FU the other is the Gotek SFR1M44-FU

I get error code "E133 -- Bad Disk" and if I turn the ribbon cable around I get "Disk No Ready"

Strange !
I made this for some Happy,using SFR1M44-FU and work ok from years !
USB stick must be formatted FAT(FAT32) on the computer.
Put an DST on USB stick.

Turn On the machine power
Insert USB stick
The USB emulator display will show d0,and an LED will be on.
Wait till emulator display will change and LED will be off.
After that operate machine like normal floppy drive.
When emulator display shoe d0 do not touch the machine panel,do not remove USB stick !!

Normally you must receive an CD with emulator,are instruction on it.

The old Happy panel have an option,to select the model of floppy disk ;
If you use DST file,select Tajima,and after read the disk.
Look if your machine has this option.
You must select Tajima,even if you use floppy disk or USB .

If you use floppy drive :

Format disk Tajima,using an embroidery software.
Put an DST file on disk.
Select Tajima disk from the machine side
Read the disk.

If I remember exactly,for this model of Happy,i used SFR1M44-FU Gotek emulator.
USB stick must be formatted FAT32.
All the brands of usb stick I used ,up to 16Gb,was ok.
Put on USB stick an DST file.