By tjs067 on
Jan. 07, 2007
United States
I am looking for someone to embroidery 4 color logo on golf shirts and caps maybe a blue color for both. Please email with other questions I need to answer. I do heat press on t-shirts. I am also looking for someone to heat press on (4 doz.) blue caps or looking for a very reasonable cap press.
Thanks tj
There are 7 Comments
Re: Looking for someone to embroidery shirts and caps
Hi TJ,
My father produces caps for uniform so he owns the cap press and I do digitizing service. How many shirts and caps that you need?
Embroidery Digitizing Service
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US$ 1.5/1000 stitches
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Experience since 1995
Re: Looking for someone to embroidery shirts and caps
I do custom embroidery and I also digitize.. I do both shirts and caps .. I can be reached at ..I will await your reply!
Re: Looking for someone to embroidery shirts and caps
I would love the opportunity to have your embroidery business my rates are very reasonable.Please email me at if you still need someone.
Thank you :) :) Brenda
Re: Looking for someone to embroidery shirts and caps
what is your location ?????
Re: Looking for someone to embroidery shirts and caps
cheap cotton twill blank caps
very cheap blank caps made of cotton twill,Minimum order quantity:500 pcs
US$1.00 per cap
welcome to contact me.
Re: Looking for someone to embroidery shirts and caps
I am looking for some one who can help me with embroidery for T-shirts .. approx 50 in no's
Glann Smith
golf clothes
Re: Looking for someone to embroidery shirts and caps
I own an embroidery bussiness, and I will be more than happy to digitize and embroider all your shirts. Email me at