By norrismac
Feb. 07, 2020
mid west
United States
M&R I-IMAGE S: 26X36
The 2017 year
Price $21,000
Processes image areas up to 51 x 66 cm (20” x 26”) or 51 x 86 cm (20” x 34”)
Uses computer-to-screen inkjet printer technology to quickly generate opaque images on emulsion-coated screens
Three-printhead models can generate full-size images in less than a minute
Direct M & R Link for details:
Dave - 925-989-6615
Brian 619-181-6117
ScreenPrinting Products Inc.
There are 2 Comments
Re: M&R I-IMAGE S: 26X36
Can you tell me the footprint of this please? I couldn't find it on M&R
Re: M&R I-IMAGE S: 26X36
Never mind. I fount it.