Brother BAS 416 Disk read error

Well Folks, here I am again. So right in the middle of a big job and the machine goes down again(of course it does). Getting a "disk read error" after doing a bunch of work. Now I know the 3.5" floppy drives are a huge weak point in these machines. I tried two other drives that are in unknown order. Now I know they didn't want to work.

Are the drives a "plug and play" type deal or are they a specific drive? And I see guys replace the 3.5 with the memory stick drives but I also see a lot of problems getting them to read right. If there is a specific "plug and play" stick drive, can someone point me in the correct direction?

I am in need to get this order out by mid week and have another order for the Aussie Royal Air Force that I need to start. And that is a huge order.


So last night after trying to find another floppy drive, I went a head and ordered the Richpeace USB drive from Sew Many Parts. I would much rather of had the GoTek for the much lower price but need the drive pretty fast. The fastest GoTek to be shipped was 15 days until processed and another 20 days shipping from China. The one I got was able to be shipped over night. If anybody has experience with this drive that can give advise, That would be awesome.


embvn wrote:
Please, check again. If this machine use 720kb floppy disk. You will need a Gotek floppy emulator with model "SFRM72-FU", and do a modification on it to make it working on your machine.

Nope! It uses the 4.77 drive. And the Richpeace worked like a charm. Great drive and makes things a bit easier. Couldn't be happier.
