Nailhead Auto Attachment Machines

United States

Have NAILHEAD ATTACHMENT MACHINES. Machines are opperated with air with foot pedal and are very fast in attaching nail heads. Each machine is specific to a nailhead size. Machines are sized to #12, #16, and #20 size nailheads. They are best for decorating denim or leather, but will also work on knits. Similar machines from companies like C&C Metal Products in New Jersey, USA sell for approx. $10,000-$12,000.00 new and used for about 1/2 that amount. We are asking $1,500.00 each for the three nailhead attachment machines. They are located in Southern California, USA. Can e-mail you a picture of the machines at your request. Contact us me at: or you may call us at our office# (310) 392-9784 (310) 399-0359 fax.