Okay...five years ago we bought this used Tuff 8 color ten
station press...in 1991 I bought the same press brand
new...reason I bought it was it was simple compared to
other presses on the market. I made a good choice
because we used that press until 2017...this press did
millions of imprints and was a work horse. Why this press
lasted so long is from the start we did ultra upkeep on
it...and the simple design with using a v squeegee with
floods the switches v and prints...much less moving parts
than as an M&R.
The Tuff we are selling is in premium condition...when this
press was delivered we were told it was in excellent
condition...well it wasn’t...we took one week and literally
went over every aspect of it...the geometry was off and all
of the offsets were not in line...we brought this machine
back to factory specs...maybe even better. We have kept
up with the maintenance religiously ever since. The two
flash backs work perfectly...the new micros are quick set
up...much of what we print is complex and requires vert
tight registration and it’s easy. Using the two flash backs
and the stationary flash this machine will easily 420 units/
hr. Probably could do more but we are all about rhythm
and control. This machine is quiet and smooth and many
aren’t...all electronics are perfect...control panel
perfect...all aspects are excellent. I can safely say this
machine is better than any other Tuff on the market.
Whoever buys this is going to be thrilled as nothing has to
be done to it except set it up and start making
money...save yourself the grief we initially went through
sorting it out. This was expensive. Do yourself a favor...buy
it. There might be less expensive ones out there but none
are as clean and in better condition.
The dryer has been totally rebuilt and works like a
champ...chiller is new and compressor is in very good
condition...again..maintenance is key.
$19,995 for the press, chiller, compressor & dryer