Embroidery On Odd Parts of Hats

Hey, new here but I wanted to know if you guys had any tips for embroidery on parts of hats that aren't so typical. I have used hat back frames from Hoop Tech before, but they are pricey for a 6 head setup if running production.


United States


I think you did a great job, your designs look pretty dope, and all the designs compliment each other.

Great Job, Keep up the good work.


Hi, I have read detailed guide on a website embroik.com that covered complete information about hat embroidery on different parts of a hat. I suggest you to read the article there to clear your concepts. Thanks.

Why dont you try with embdigit.com for any kind of embroidery work.

[COLOR=Black][U]Love to get more with[/U][/COLOR] [URL=https://www.embdigit.com/][COLOR=Black]digitizing for embroidery[/COLOR][/URL] <3 :) :)


I think you did a good job. All of your designs look good together, and they all look good with each other, too.

A good job. Keep up the good work.

i own Australia based embroidery digitizing and vector conversion company Called [B][SIZE=6]EMBPUNCH[/SIZE][/B]