By danlilsade
Jan. 22, 2021
United States
We have three Newman Roller Master Stretching Tables, one of them is Universal and can work on both MZX and M3. The other two are MZX, they are expandable for different size frames, they produce 3 times as many screens per hour and require less physical effort. We are asking $2,000 each FOB Camden, SC
PayPal and Major Credit Cards accepted.
There are 5 Comments
Re: Newman Roller Master Screen Stretching Table
Seritech Inc.
Re: Newman Roller Master Screen Stretching Table
All 3 tables still available, $2,000 each OBO.
Seritech Inc.
Re: Newman Roller Master Screen Stretching Table
These tables are still available. The price is now $1,500 each OBO.
Seritech Inc.
Re: Newman Roller Master Screen Stretching Table
Please check your private messages. Sent inquiry.
Re: Newman Roller Master Screen Stretching Table
We still have one Newman Roller Master Stretching Table available. The price is $1,500 OBO
Seritech Inc.