For Sale 2002 Tajima TMFXII-C1204 mint

United States

MINT 1999/2002 Tajima TMFXII-C1204 - Price:26,900.00
4 Head 12 Needle Commercial Embroidery Machine, Equipped With: 4 Cap Attachments, and 8 wide angle cap frames and Leveling Pads. Date of Mfg 2/1999, but wasn't purchased from Hirsch until 3/2002. This Machine was barely used…. under 500 hours. I do not have the room in my store to support the machine. The Machine is up and running and is available for test run and inspection. Machine is located in my garage in central New Jersey exit 8A off New Jersey Turnpike. You can contact Jim on my cell (732)803-2517 or email me at