2015 Anatol Horizon 8/6 Auto - Like New

Wilkes Barre - PA, PA, United States

Like new, clean, lightly used Anatol Horizon 6 color, 8 station 2015 automatic press.
This press is in very nice condition with a low print count of 94,729.
Price: $15,500

Great press with a small foot print. Servo drive and digital touch screen controls. Can be run on either single or three phase power.

Comes with 1 Rapid Wave quartz flash dryer.

Located in Wilkes Barre, PA.

I am also selling a larger 2011 Anatol press here: http://www.digitsmith.com/anatol-stratus-ii-10-color-12-station-2011-a-77485.html
and a large manual press here: http://www.digitsmith.com/hopkins-bwm-12-8-manual-press-77369.html
Would be happy to work out a better deal if you'd want to take multiple items.

See press running in video below. Any questions, please PM, email toermbus@gmail.com, or call 570-899-0554 and please leave a message.


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