Oct. 29, 2008
Does anyone have experience with embroidering lanyards? I would like to get into it but I don't know how to get started.
Does anyone have experience with embroidering lanyards? I would like to get into it but I don't know how to get started.
Re: Embroidering Lanyards
Oh Wow, that must be something. Arent those Lanyards really thin. The closes thing I saw for something close to this is a rack of about 10 slots that you can fit in rows of nylon ribbon to make nametags. The rack holds these strips in place while you embroider, but these were about an inch high. I cant remember where I say this rack, I think it was on the Hirsch International website.
Re: Embroidering Lanyards
We would hoop 3 sheets of tear away pellon in a frame large enough to hold 5 or so lanyards spaced about 2 inches apart. spray tack all over the pellon and stick the lanyards down in straight lines.... use a pencil to make marks first to insure the lines are straight. you can either manually drop your needle on each lanyard or you can set it up in digitizing to sew an array ... just make sure the array matches what you have stuck down to the pellon.
After the first 5 are sewn, carefully tear them away from the pellon... creating a rectangular hole only where your embroidery was.... then place 5 more lanyards down and repeat, only this time you will not need to tear the pellon because the hole is already there. Spray new tack whenever you need to , to keep the lanyards stuck.
We have done this with lanyards, and ribbons, and shoulder straps, etc.... works great without buying any special attachments or hoops. hope this helps.
Modern Embroidery Designer