RICOMA 2008 Sale or Trade

United States

I have a new Ricoma Single Head/12 needle machine. Delivery receipt dated October 18, 2008. Less than 10 sewn on it.
Complete with stand, several hoops, hat hoop, tool box, extra parts, etc. Also included
is WINGSXP digitizing software w/dongle. Asking $6700.00. Will deliver within 500
miles. Will consider trading for a Toyota of equal value. Located in Florida Panhandle.
My email: abcembroidery@bellsouth.net

There are 6 Comments

There is nothing wrong with it. I have a Toyota also; when we ordered it, we were told that it was very similar to the Toyota on user friendly. We are having difficulty in trying to learn the keypad. Totally different from the Toyota. In the process of scheduling some classes on it. The hoops and parts are interchangeable and all that works well.

It would be a great machine for someone that is used to and familiar with the Ricoma, or has one and needs to expand.

that is great that you are selling your swf. when we were looking we looked at the
toyota and the swf in south florida. come to find out, the owner of the toyota dealer was
the father of the swf dealer. both machines were impressive to us, we chose the toyota
because of the price at the time; we were just getting into it and did not know really if this
is what we wanted to do and the personal funds were limited. i am sure as i a have read
a lot of threads and reviews of both machines and seems everyone is happy and pleased with them.
where are you located?