By stickerguynyc on
Nov. 13, 2008
Sup Guy!
I'm in the sign business I make sticker and want to add embroidery in my business. I need commendation about digitizer software, is it all software compatible with different machine? which is a good one no so expensive.
thank you
Re: dgitized software
I would recommend selling embroidery first.. once you have enough business to warrant a software purchase for digitizing you might find it is less expensive to contract out your digitizing.... instead of spending the countless hours it will take you to achieve the quality I am sure you want to provide your clients. Digitizing is not something you just pick up in a matter of hours.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: dgitized software
what's about what software the machine work with? Does all embroidery machine come with software. is all compatible with diferent machine or how is it?
Re: dgitized software
Many machines can come with software, sure, and if you learn that software those designs should work on other machines... especially if the software can output to Tajima (.dst) format which tends to be a universal language for industrial machines. But I cannot emphasize enough that when you are starting out to pick one aspect and master that before moving to another.... either selling embroidery until the machine is constantly running (contract it out at first instead of buying a machine), or buy a machine and do the actual embroidery only(and contract out the digitizing and sales) , or learning to digitize...(and contracting out the other tasks) Oh, and have a written business plan (as they say: failing to plan is planning to fail.)
Modern Embroidery Designer