By jteague on
Nov. 16, 2008
Does any one have an older laptop running XP that is also equiped with a serial (printer) port. I have DayStar digitizing software that requires an activation key that plugs into the printer port. New laptops come with no printer ports or XP loaded on them. The software will not work on Vista. So, if any one has on older laptop with these options they want to get rid of, let me know.
Re: Looking for an older XP laptop
Have you tried it with a USB to Serial adaptor? That might be another option.
Re: Looking for an older XP laptop
Dell recommended a replicator, I don't know if this is the same thing you are referring to?
Re: Looking for an older XP laptop
A port replicator is typically a device that allows you convert multiple devices to USB like serial, parallel printers, etc. A USB to Serial port is a similar device except is only provides a single serial port. I just picked one up a few weeks ago at Office Depot for around $35.